Bill Cates

Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE, is the President of Referral Coach International and the founder of The Cates Academy for Relationship Marketing™, as well as the host of the acclaimed podcast

A successful entrepreneur, Bill started and sold two book publishing companies. Turning his attention to help business owners and professionals acquire more Right- Fit Clients™, Bill has written four best-selling books: Get More Referrals Now, Don’t Keep Me a Secret, Beyond Referrals and Radical Relevance.

For over 30 years, Bill has helped his clients move from incremental growth to exponential growth by communicating more compelling value, enhancing client engagement, and multiplying their best clients through personal introductions. Bill Cates’ client-acquisition system has been featured in such publications as Success Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Selling Power, the Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal. And his own business success has been featured in Money Magazine.

Bill was inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame in 2010 (182 living members worldwide). So you can expect an engaging, relevant, and high-content session with a little bit of fun. Bill is also somewhat of an adventurer. He has trekked through the Himalayas of Nepal and the Andes of Peru. He has lived on a houseboat in Kashmir India, climbed Machu Pichu, reached the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, camped in Arctic Circle… and Bill has toured the country as the drummer in a rock and roll band. The most important thing for you to know is that thousands of businesses and individuals are using Bill’s system to attract a steady flow of Right-Fit Clients™.

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