LaTisha Styles

Building Marketing Systems That Support Your Personality

LaTisha “Tish” Styles is a sought-after lifestyle influencer and personal development enthusiast who has created a community of more than 60,000 people - the majority of whom are women of color defining theirdesires and giving themselves permission to live lavishly.As a black woman who was told life would be harder, that money was limited, and that she therefore had to make decisions that were often opposite her desires - she went through a transformational journey of self-worth, discovery, and love to create a lavish life.What started as a personal blog to hold herself accountable while she paid off debt of over $32,000,transformed into a self-development journey allowing her to create a life by design and not by default.

Alife filled with a thriving heart-centered business, travel, and an amazing husband she manifested into herlife.In her eight year entrepreneurial journey, she realized that others were dealing with the same issues of self-worth. Her mission is now to help them create their own version of a lavish life filled with fulfillment,confidence, and abundance.Because of her extensive work with women entrepreneurs, she has consulted with and partnered as a content producer, ambassador, and expert for high-profile companies including Progressive Insurance, The National Association of Realtors, Beazer Homes, and PNC Bank.

She is an Online Marketing Certified Professional®, Psych-K® Facilitator, and the Founder & CEO of You’ve Got Clients®. Her work has been featured in notable publications including Forbes, Fast Company, and Business Insider. LaTisha is a wife, mother, left-handed Gemini, outgoing introvert, and fitness model. A native of Atlanta, GA,LaTisha can often be found exploring beachside destinations from Panama to the Bahamas.

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